The winner receives the Horace Brown Medal and is invited to give a lecture at an appropriate event (section convention, section meeting, section dinner or other events of suitable relevance) with subsequent publication in the Brewer & Distiller International (BDI) or Journal of the Institute of Brewing (JIB).
This award is open to all members and application is by selection, not submission.
About the Award
The Horace Brown Award commemorates Dr Horace Tabberer Brown, one of the 'founding fathers' of the Institute of Brewing, known for his outstanding contribution to chemical, biological and geological research.
Although largely self-taught, Dr Horace Tabberer Brown FRS (1848-1925) was a true polymath, who left his mark on virtually all areas of science in a career that lasted over 50 years. His work spanned barley germination, beer microbiology, water compositions, oxygen and fermentation, beer haze formation, wort composition and beer analysis. Always seeking new problems to investigate he never specialised as a scientist, being a naturalist, chemist, geologist and biologist in turn.
On Brown's death, the Institute resolved to perpetuate his memory by establishing a medal in his honour. The medal was to be awarded "....for eminent services on the scientific or technical side of the fermentation industries, at intervals of not less than three years, and then only if, in the opinion of the Council, an award is justified....". The award was to be available to any member and the recipient to deliver a lecture on the occasion of the presentation of the medal.
In the years since its inception, the medal has been awarded to 27 individuals. The first recipient, in 1926, had been a personal friend of Brown and his connections with brewing went back almost as far as those of Brown himself. This was the eminent chemist, Professor Henry Edward Armstrong FRS.
At the bequest of Council, the award was reviewed by the IBD Awards Committee in February 2005. There was unanimous support for a more international perspective and the broadening of the scope from eminent scientist to eminent person. The three-yearly timescale was considered too broad and a two-year timescale was recommended but would, however, be deferred in a year if no suitable candidate is found.
- The Awards Committee will aim to make a recommendation at the December council meeting in the appropriate year.
- The nominee to be selected will be an eminent person who has contributed significantly to the advancement of the interests of the CIBD.
- The Award is to be presented every three years or deferred if there is not a suitable recipient in a given year.
- Expenses for the winner to be paid by the CIBD.