Lead Distiller in Technical Development, Westward Whiskey, Portland, Oregon. Winner of the 2024 Simpsons Malt Award for Diploma in Distilling Module 1.
Anna Mantheakis
Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your current role?
I am a distiller at Westward Whiskey in Portland, Oregon. We make American Single Malt using locally malted barley from the Pacific Northwest. Having spent my college years with my nose in a biochemistry book and my grad school years studying difficult fermentation, I'm the team scientist. I love improving old methods and dreaming up new ones, and I've done a lot of work on distillery efficiency as well. I'm always looking for a new experiment. I also spend a fair amount of my time nosing glasses, for both quality and whiskey blending. By blending, I mean we hand-pick barrels for each bottling batch. Being part of a small team, I work in whatever capacity I'm needed, whether it's running the lab, prepping barrels, or operating the stills. Outside work, I'm a visual artist who draws live portraits and imagines science fiction worlds in her sketch pad. I approach whiskey as an art and a science rolled together, my two great passions.
What inspired you to enter the distilling industry?
Before I became a distiller, I was a winemaker who dreamed of distilling one day. I have my Master's degree in Viticulture and Enology from UC Davis. I was lured by the endless possibilities of the spirits world. There are so many ways to make spirits! But I was comfortable sticking with what I knew for a good six years of crushing grapes. Everything changed in 2020. In that one year, the pandemic struck, a wildfire burned down one third of the town I lived in, and my twin was diagnosed with a life changing illness. There came a moment when I felt myself barely hanging on to life's roller coaster and I thought, why am I so afraid of a career change? Life is short and tenuous. I should quit procrastinating and chase my dreams. So I bought a textbook on whisky, read the whole thing, and started looking for jobs.
Have you had any female role models or mentors who have influenced your journey?
I did the Ourwhiskey Foundation Mentorship Program, and it was phenomenal. My mentor was Becky Harris from Catoctin Creek. She taught me how to stay positive during the tough times and how to imagine all the ways I could thrive in my work. I'm thankful to her and to all the women who gave me a leg up in this industry. Even small acts of goodwill make a difference. Taking the time to introduce me to new people at a conference. Offering a little career advice over coffee. My journey was fuelled by a hundred moments of kindness.
Have you faced any challenges as a woman in the industry, and how have you navigated them?
There have been moments in my career when I felt underestimated as a woman. I've learned how to demonstrate my expertise with strength and professionalism. Sometimes the hard part is finding your voice when others speak over you, or finding your confidence when others expect too little. I've learned how to see my own worth, advocate for myself, and build support in my community. I find a lot of strength in the support of my friends, mentors, and peers.
Have you seen any positive changes in gender diversity in the industry during your career?
Based on the number of young women I meet who are just getting into spirits, I'd say change is happening right now. And it's very exciting.
What advice would you give to other women considering a career in the drinks industry?
Form solid friendships with other women in distilling. Like geese in the road, we're more powerful when we stand together. Be careful about how much you give away. When you feel like you have to prove yourself just to be taken seriously, you can end up giving too much away for free. Learn to see your unique background as an asset. If you are new to the industry, it's easy to feel ten steps behind, as though the path that brought you here was irrelevant. There is wisdom in every turn of your journey, and when you find ways to bring that wisdom into your work, you'll set yourself apart. And once in a while, treat yourself to an extra special bottle, just to thank yourself for working so hard.