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Open Access

Raki Production & Development of the World’s First Raki Flavour Wheel

By: Duygu Beypinar


Join this webinar to discover the distinctive Raki production process based on a multi-stage grape distillation. We are delighted to welcome Duygu Beypinar, a leader in the Turkish raki industry, as our speaker. Duygu Beypinar is the Quality, Technical and Innovation Senior Manager at Mey Diageo, based in Istanbul.

Irish Section Webinar, Raki

IBD Membership Required

Time Flies When You’re Having Rum

By: Vince Noyce, Jean Murray


Join this webinar to discover how to establish a distillery to produce rum at craft scale Having followed the IBD Irish Section to the US, the UK, and most recently to Turkey on our Travel the World theme, we’re inviting you back to the UK to join us for our upcoming lecture on rum. If you are planning to open your own distillery, this is an unmissable session. Listen to Vince Noyce, Founder and Director of the Portsmouth Distillery Co, and Jean Murray, Technical Support and Sales Manager at Lallemand and one of the IBD's first female Master Distillers.

Irish Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Ensuring a Sustainable Supply of Cereals for Brewing and Distilling

By: Nicholas Pitts, Mark Ineson


Join us in this unmissable webinar to discover how the impact of global change, and the supply chain are affecting cereal production Nicholas Pitts, Research Scientist at the Scotch Whisky Research Institute, will explain how the cereal varieties that are used across our industry, for both brewing and distilling, are decided upon. Mark Ineson, Supply Chain Manager at Mutons Malt, will provide an overview of the 2021 barley harvest and offer detailed feedback on the crop quality.

Scottish Section Webinar, Sustainable

IBD Membership Required

CIP - Impacts of an Increasingly Complex Brewery

By: Peter Thorman, Chris Deakin, Rob Percival


Join this webinar to discover how to reduce the impact CIP and the optimum ways to achieve efficiency, even when producing complex brewstreams and multiple brands. This fascinating session will outline the main challenges of CIP, especially when producing complex brewstreams and multiple brands, introduce novel ways to optimise CIP practices in breweries and discuss how allergen contamination can be avoided with CIP.

Great Northern Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Non and Low Alcoholic Brewing Techniques

By: Peter Murfitt, Richard Chamberlain


A quest for new occasions and a macro market trend towards wellness have led to a revival of Non-alcoholic and Low-Alcoholic beer in Australia - both in the craft industry and at the major breweries. We are fortunate to have Peter Murfitt - Head of Technical Offer Managementat GEA Group Australia and Richard Chamberlin Technical Manager - Oceania at Lallemand who will present two different approaches for making non-alcoholic beer at this informative IBD NSW Technical Event. The Event will be hosted virtually so dial in for some knowledge share and Q&A’s in this emerging sector ….and ensure to bring a beer!

Asia Pacific Section Event

IBD Membership Required

Barley Genetic Technologies and Resources

By: Robbie Waugh


Join this webinar to discover the genetic technologies and resources to promote barley as both "crop and model" for the research and commercial sectors. Professor Robbie Waugh, the newly appointed director of the International Barley Hub, will describe the journey to establishing this important research facility within the James Hutton Institute, the kind of science that will be conducted there and the impact for the brewing, distilling and other food industries.

Scottish Section Webinar, Webinar, Barley

Open Access

Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Drinks Industry

By: Nicola Burston, Millie Milliken, Andrew Paterson, Steve Wilkinson


The pandemic and the lockdowns have put pressure on our mental health and resilience to cope with the current circumstances with 1 in 4 of us experiencing some type of mental health difficulty in the last year. Join us in this session to discover how colleagues can support each other and what type of support you can receive to deal with stress, insomnia, addiction, anxiety, or other mental issues. Find out about The Drinks Trust’s Mindful Drinking Movement that they run in partnership with Club Soda.


IBD Membership Required

Dynamic Mash Separation Technology for the Distilling and Brewing Industry

By: Konstantin Ziller


Join Konstantin Ziller, Ziemann Holvrieka R&D Project Manager, live from Germany for an update on the latest in mash separation technology and the experiences of the first installation of the new Nessie Technology in a distillery. This presentation provides a review and comparison of mash separation technologies as well as an overview of the state of the art and operation of the continuous extraction system - NESSIE.

Asia Pacific Section Event

IBD Membership Required

Draught Beer Microbiology & Physiological Heterogeneity in Yeast Population

By: Alex Jevons, Toby Pendlebury


At this event, two PhD students from the University of Nottingham present their ground-breaking investigations and provide technical knowledge to improve production with new data and thought-provoking investigation conclusions. The microbiology of draught beer by Alex Jevons Physiological heterogeneity in brewing yeast populations by Toby Pendlebury

Scottish Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Sustainably Improving the Shelf Life of Your Beer

By: Rolan Pahl


IBD Asia Pacific is delighted to invite you to join us for our next online technical event featuring Dr Rolan Pahl, Beer Market Manager at Pall. The global Covid-19 crisis has driven a significant change in the brewing industry as the consumption of beer in bars, events and restaurants plummeted and consumers shifted to buying beer to consume at home. This change is forcing brewers to refocus on the importance of package product shelf life.

Asia Pacific Section Event

Open Access

Supporting Women for Success

By: Tracy Adie, Frances Jack, Jane Millar, Becky Paskin, Sandra Stelman, Shona Harrison


More women are brewing and distilling than ever before, yet there are still far fewer women in technical roles, and gender discrimination still makes the headlines. So, what does it take to be a successful female brewer or distiller in a traditionally male-dominated industry?

Scottish Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

The Production of Tequila and Cachaça

By: John Mackenzie, Jesus Susunaga Acosta, Carlos Eduardo Oliveira


Join us to discover how to produce high-quality tequila and cachaça and explore new cocktail combinations. Maestro Tequilero Acosta will take us through a technical tour of the production of his Highland Tequila 100% made from Blue Agave grown in the Highlands of Jalisco with its 7-step fully sustainable zero waste manufacture programme. Master Distiller Carlos Eduardo Oliveira from Maison Leblon will show us how he crafts his Leblon Cachaça, by focusing upon quality in the processing, distillation, fermentation and maturation of Brazil’s national spirit in his fully-integrated craft distillery.

Scottish Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Emerging Drinks

By: Keisha Rose Harrison, Andrew Paterson, Avi Shayevitz, Penny Willson


Pressures on brewers and drinks producers include high taxes, regulatory pressures and low prices. Producers are constantly innovating to create exciting new products and are increasingly diversifying outside of the barriers which would normally apply. In recent times Hard Seltzer, Kombucha and Alcohol Free spirits have increasingly become part of the conversation, not least because they can be produced using standard equipment found in a craft or microbrewery.

Southern Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

The Practical De-alcoholisation of Beer

By: Ralf Scheibner, Fergus Fitzgerald, Dan Gooderham, Andrew Paterson


Join us to discover and share best practices in low / no alcohol beers using de-alcoholisation and learn how to adapt to new trends. Recent years have seen the beer industry transform with craft and low alcohol by volume (ABV) offerings becoming mainstream. With consumer demand for these and more varieties of innovative beer only growing, its enduring popularity is likely to remain and even help reignite production after the pandemic.

Southern Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Harvesting Hops and Producing Hop Pellets

By: Rob Shieldon, Patrick McGinty


In this session, we will be discussing the harvesting, intake, drying and baling of whole leaf hop with a brief review of the current hop market and the impact of Covid on the production and supply chain. If you are taking the Diploma in Brewing exam, the session will help you review part of the learning material.

Midland Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Peated Malt Production – Traditional Innovation

By: Sam Hoad, David Hannah


Discover new and innovative technology to ensure specific malt specifications are provided to distillers' individual needs. In this session, Sam Hoad, Peated Plant Manager at Muntons Malt, will share his knowledge and expertise on malt production. Sam has been at the forefront of Muntons’ peated malt facility and has been key in the successful production of peated malt for customers in Scotland and overseas.

Scottish Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

The Future of Sensory in the Drinks Industry

By: Richard Boughton, Evelyne Canterranne


Join us to together explore the challenges affecting beer, spirits and the wider drinks industry as well as sensory solutions to help you stay agile in an ever-changing landscape. This session will be delivered through an interactive question and answer session, with a live taste-along to bring some of these elements to life.

Irish Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Adjuncts in Brewing

By: Carl Heron, Zane Barnes


Join us to gain deep knowledge and increase your technical awareness of adjunct types and their uses in brewing. The session would be a handy revision of the learning material for those candidates taking IBD General Certificate / Diploma in Brewing or Distilling.

Midland Section Webinar

Open Access

Beer Line Hygiene – During and Post Lockdown

By: Jim Taylour, Mark Tetlow, Peter O’Brien


Join us to learn the optimum hygienic techniques to serve the perfect pint when pubs are reopening after the lockdown. Prepare the beer lines with expert advice on cleaning and maintenance and learn about the different beer line cleaning regimes.

Southern Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Low Alcohol Beer Production

By: Rob Percival, Andrew Paterson


Join us to discover the practicalities of modified mashing techniques, why they work and the things to be aware of during the process.

Great Northern Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Trade with the EU since the End of the Brexit Transition Period

By: Chris McDade, Douglas Murray, Ken Duncan


Join us to gain a deep knowledge on how the industry needs to comply with the UK and EU trade rules after Brexit and how to reach EU consumers directly. This webinar will focus on issues such as the movement of excise goods through groupage, the requirements for new types of certification in certain EU markets, the labelling changes, and how to fulfil online sales to reach EU consumers directly.

Scottish Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Brewing Apprenticeships in the UK

By: Rod White, Toby Heasman, Jeremy Scorer


Join us to learn about brewing apprenticeships in the UK and the professional opportunities that they can generate. Listen to brewers, HIT Hospitality Academy and Caitlin and Felix, two apprentices who have been involved in the scheme, and discover how the training dovetails with the IBD exams.

Southern Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Introduction to Hard Seltzers

By: Colin Wilson, Stephanie Brindley, Rob Percival


Join us to discover what natural hop products are on offer to complement this beverage style and produce an unique offering. Presentations by Stephanie Brindley of Murphy and Son who will outline the production and fermentation requirements of a Hard Seltzer. Colin Wilson from Totally Natural Solutions (TNS) will then outline natural hop products which can be added to produce an unique alcoholic beverage and enhance or boost the adult taste profile for fruitiness, citrus, floral, bitter, etc.

Great Northern Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

Fundamentals of Pumps and Dosing

By: Peter Thorman, Andy Ramsey


Join us to discover with Andy Ramsey, who has 27 years in the chemical handling industry, the variations and innovations in pump technology bringing a more accurate and energy efficient application than ever before. In this presentation we will cover the different types of pumps available and how selecting the correct type and controls will increase productivity, repeatability, and cost effectiveness.

Midland Section Webinar

IBD Membership Required

How to Build a Sustainable Career

By: Caroline Walker, Tanya White, Jerry Avis, David Smith, Rob Percival


Get an insight on how to build a successful career in the industry and learn how to plan your brewing or distilling profession to avoid getting ‘stuck’. Discover the latest trends in recruitment and find out how you can explore personal and professional development opportunities through the IBD Qualifications.

Great Northern Section Webinar, Jerry Avis

IBD Membership Required

Barley Control & Brewing Yeast Fermentation PhD Latest Research

By: Laura Röhrig, Barnaby Pownall, Ken Duncan


Join us to discover and gain an in-depth understanding of the plant-fungus interaction to help you establish future control strategies to protect barley production. Laura Röhrig, postgraduate student of the International Barley Hub, will be sharing her findings with you.

Scottish Section Webinar

Some of the content requires an active membership to view.

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Some of the content requires an active membership to view.

You can find out more here