Mrs French and Mr Jupp go malting: A visit to French and Jupps in Hertfordshire
By: Ian Hornsey
For years, London brewers bought much of their malt from northeast Hertfordshire, where the main centres of trade were at Baldock (on the Great North Road), and Ware (on Ermine Street). The latter’s importance was enhanced by its position on the River Lea, which winds 42 miles from its source at Leagrave (Bedfordshire) to the River Thames at Bow Creek.
Valves, filtration and stabilisation - A look at Handtmann operations in Germany
By: Roger Putman
Axel Jany is a Land Rover buff, he can spot one at over 400 paces which makes a journey on an autobahn at 200km per hour a rather interesting experience, particularly as my February visit coincided with some heavy snow falls. I learnt that there were a surprising number of these iconic vehicles in Germany and Axel has owned quite a few of them himself. His other passion is huge BMW motor bikes and I was pleased he did not turn up at Stuttgart Airport with a grin and a spare crash helmet!
Finding out how party cans are made at Huber in Germany
By: Roger Putman
Remember the Party Seven can of Watney’s Starlight which turned up at your parties in the early 1970s? Unopened, it lived to fight another day and then you took it to the next venue. Probably the same one reappeared at your place several months later and is very likely to this day to be mouldering unloved in a cellar somewhere.
Consistently Premium - Warsteiner Group chooses KHS again
By: Gunter Unkrig, Andreas Waldscheck
‘Consistently Premium’ is the philosophy of the privately managed Warsteiner Group in Germany. Owner Albert Cramer says: “Our goal is an ambitious one. Using the most modern technology, we want to make the best beer in the world. For us, the word premium is much more than just a label, it means a commitment.”
Throwing light on photometry - What is turbidity and what are the benefits of in-line analysis?
By: Ben Clauberg, Marc Marciniak
In every industry you can find varying applications for optical inlinemeasurement systems; either to check the quality of the product regarding colour and turbidity variations or else concentrations of different ingredients. The results from real-timemeasurements ensure optimisation of the process and reduction of product losses.We will throwmore light on an often critical discussed application for turbiditymeasurements in breweries.
300,000 glasses a day - But Rastal is more than just glassware
By: Roger Putman
A glass is a glass, yeah? As long as it is clean so as not to detract from the presentation of the beer, there cannot be much else involved…can there? Of course the answer is ‘yes’ particularly in the UK where we tenaciously hang on to our beloved pint of 568ml. Beer in pubs can only be sold in pints, halves (284ml) and although not too many folk appreciate thirds (189ml) as well.
Nitrate problems are soluble – but who pays?
By: Graham Meller
Nitrate pollution in rivers, lakes, reservoirs and underground aquifers is a major problem. Algal blooms have become an unfortunate feature of many water systems.
Roseisle sets new standards - Scotland’s latest malt distillery
By: Frank Robson
On 15th February 2007 Diageo announced a £100m investment in its whisky operations in Scotland to meet the future growth in demand in countries including China, India, Brazil, Mexico and Russia. £40m of this was allocated to the building of a 10mla malt distillery. The distillery would be the first of significant size to be built for over 30 years and the preferred location was Roseisle in Morayshire.
Trailblazing sustainability in craft brewing - California’s Sierra Nevada leads the way
By: Brian Grossman
From its humble beginnings in 1980, Sierra Nevada Brewing Co. has recognised the environmental importance and financial benefit of operating its business in a sustainable manner.
A glass of Bavaria’s finest - A trip to see SchneiderWeisse at Kelheim, Germany
By: Roger Putman
Despite the efforts of InBev with the promotion of Belgium’s Hoegaarden, white beers are not a well known product in the UK. You might see Erdinger from Munich on draught and supermarkets will stock a single brand, usually Weihenstephaner, Franziskaner, Schöfferhofer, Maisel, König Ludwig or Schneider. So one of the first things you must do on arriving in Bavaria is to try a glass and marvel at the pouring ritual, the collar of white foam, the opalescent haze, the aroma of cloves, bananas and sometimes even bubble gum followed by pure refreshment as a half litre slips down without any problems at all.
Kornbrand - The spirit of German agriculture
By: Michael Spandern
In the German language ‘Korn’ is the common term for small grains. It does not specifically mean maize or ‘corn’. In the context of alcoholic beverages in the European Union Korn and Kornbrand are protected names for the traditional white grain spirit of German origin.
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