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California Steamin’ - A look at Anchor Steam Beer in San Francisco

By: Roger Putman


Beer buffs will argue until the proverbial cows come home about whether ‘steam beer’ is an individual beer style or not. The term Californian Common Beer certainly does appear in a number of beery books and the method of production is to say the least ‘unusual’. The Anchor Steam Brewery in San Francisco jealously guards the term ‘Steam Beer’ and there is no doubting that back in 1965 it was the first US craft brewer – there are now 1600! What was the derivation of the term ‘steam’ and how is it brewed today? The Editor went along to find out.

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Bottle lightweighting and MBT

By: Chris Holcroft


A study was undertaken by GTS Environmental for WRAP’s (Waste & Resources Action Programme) GlassRite project to discover whether the use of lightweighted bottles has a significant impact on their ability to prevent lightstruck flavours occurring in beers.

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Successful Project Management

By: Eric Candy


Projects challenges are not new. When George Stephenson built a railway from Liverpool to Manchester in the 1820s, it cost 45% more than budget and was subject to several delays as it made its way across the treacherous Chat Moss bog. In information systems and information technology alone, it is anticipated that around 20-30 per cent of all commissioned projects are unable to meet specified stakeholder criteria resulting in total wasted spend of around £75billion in the USA and £70billion within the EU.

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More than just froth and bubble! A look at the top of a pint

By: Evan Evans


The aesthetic of drinking beer is to an extent subliminal. The presentation of the beer in the glass in terms of its foamhead, clarity and colour conjure Pavlovian anticipation for the perceptive drinker. There is no disputing the logic that ‘a beer drinker drinks asmuch with his eyes as with hismouth’

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GNS Poland Study Tour

By: Roy Lindsay


21 The BREWER & DISTILLER INTERNATIONAL • Volume 4 • Issue 10 • October 2008 • In 2003 Dominika Kwarciak came to the UK with her husband Pawel, from Okocim Brewery, Poland, as part of the Carlsberg fast-track exchange scheme to develop young talent. Her enthusiasm for organising a visit to show off Poland to the IBD was unquenchable and her tenacity ensured that it came to fruition.

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Congressing in paradise - The World Brewing Congress in Honolulu

By: Roger Putman


Some 850 delegates made the long haul to Hawaii for the third four-yearly get together of America’s Master Brewers and Brewing Chemists. It is around twelve hours from the US East Coast and I spent 17 hours in the air from London with a short stop in LA. OK, it was high and hot summer in Honolulu which meant the rooms might not have attracted top rates but the distance as well as current upheavals in the US brewing industry must have put some folk off. The heat did me in as there was a twenty minute walk from our hotel to the venue; Putman is not built for a rather humid 32°C.

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Enlightened and entertained

By: Roger Putman


Some 340 delegates attended Edinburgh’s third Worldwide Distilled Spirits Conference during early September. Twenty seven companies put on table top exhibitions in a series of interconnecting rooms on the way to the main lecture hall. Catering was laid out amongst them with nowhere to sit down so there can have been few complaints of poor exposure to delegates. The lecture room was also crammed full so if this conference’s undoubted success leads to more interest in 2011, the organisers will have to seek a new venue. Hopefully they will be able to maintain the intimacy of the event for the international distillers are a friendly lot!

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