Beer processing and filtration
By: Paul Buttrick
In this article, I will keep away from repackaging information readily available in manufacturer’s brochures and look at the practical choices and decisions that brewers are faced with when considering beer processing and filtration.
The tide turns at Scapa
By: Frank Robson
When Macfarlane and Townsend built the Scapa Distillery in the Orkney Isles in 1885 little did they know the dramatic naval activities which would unfold in the waters viewed from the still house window.
Innovation, passion and knowledge in Derbyshire
By: Roger Putman
Jim Harrison dabbled in home brewing as a youth but went on to make his fortune in gaskets in Barnsley. Jim and his wife Emma moved to Thornbridge Hall in Derbyshire with a view to retiring but I am not sure that is the right word for someone running a brewery and at least three other companies!
Tiny in Southsea
By: Mike Charlton
I suppose the Havant brewery was born out of the sell-off of Gales in nearby Horndean.This rankled me as there was a co-operative buyout on the table yet the business passed to Fullers in London.The brewery was closed and cost over a hundred jobs. I decided to protest in my own small way by brewing my own beer, again.
How to maintain your most important equipment – people
By: Ian Jones
One of the most glibly used phrases in industry for many decades has been: “People are our most important assets.” This statement is used in wild abandon by senior executives and management to impress and influence investors, unions, and other key stakeholders but it could be said that this is rarely actually felt by the ‘important assets’ themselves. Indeed, I would argue that in most cases the physical assets (plant and equipment) gain far more attention than the human assets who also require regular maintenance, calibration and upgrade.
Nanotechnology – what’s all the fuss?
By: Denise Baxter
In recent weeks the global media has been greatly occupied with nanotechnology, culminating in the release of a 500-page report by the House of Lords Select Committee on nanotechnologies and food. News of this has occupied many column inches, alongside pictures of snow-bound motorways and abandoned cars. So, what is this new technology all about and what, if anything, does it offer the brewing industry?
After the clapping dies away ... all hell breaks loose
By: Roger Putman
We all enter beer competitions in the hope of winning but spare a thought for what might ensue if you ever actually won. The UK beer competition likely to lead to the largest hike in sales is the CAMRA Champion Beer of Britain Award.
Beyond Copenhagen
By: Eric Candy
Copenhagen was built up as an event of dreams yet as an epoch making climate change conference it must leave shattered dreams for many! It was probably overhyped and attempted to achieve too much without the building blocks being negotiated prior to the event. It was, however, useful in drawing out the key issues. The problem is that the outcome needs to be effective action not just agreement!
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