The evolution of today’s brewery supply chains
By: John Bryant
The evolution of the drinks industry supply chain has been rapid over the last 20 years. Changes have primarily been driven by customer and consumer needs together with the obvious pressure to drive out costs. Whilst the practices within warehousing and transport have changed, in many ways the considerations in designing a fit for purpose supply chain have remained the same.
MBR at Shenandoah
By: Colleen Mitchell
MillerCoors’ newly upgraded wastewater treatment facility achieves world class effluent values for nitrogen and phosphorus for discharge into Chesapeake Bay, becoming a showcase for environmental stewardship.
Is Asia ready for craft beer? A report from Beerfest Asia 2011
By: Doug Donelan
Singapore is well known as an east meets west stopover destination and springboard for wider Asia travels and, for some time now, putting shipping and finance aside, it has been food and fashion that have been mainstays of the City State.
The home of Harvest Pale … and its new 40brl brewery in Nottingham
By: Roger Putman
The good burghers of Nottingham must have been mortified to learn that historical novelist Jack Whyte reckons that their famous outlaw son Robin Hood might have been a Scotsman. Yet they can be proud that the city’s largest brewer Castle Rock is increasing annual output by 10,000 barrels this year on the back of winning the prestigious CAMRA Supreme Champion Beer of Britain Award for its delicious Harvest Pale beer by installing a 40 barrel brewhouse.
Brewing Chemistsmeet in the heat and humidity of Florida!
By: Charlie Bamforth, Graham Stewart
The 74th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Brewing Chemists was held in the heat and humidity of Sanibel Harbour in Florida. It was attended by 240 delegates from 15 countries. The theme for the meeting was ‘Beer: a Matter of Science and Perception’. The quality of the papers presented fulfilled expectations.
Unlocking the potential of anaerobic digestion
By: Claire Lipsett
Anaerobic digestion is a naturally occurring biological treatment process that breaks down biodegradable waste into methane and carbon dioxide, in the absence of oxygen. Anaerobic digesters are typically installed as primary treatment systems in industrial applications to significantly reduce the COD concentration of effluent streams, whilst generating a renewable energy source in the form of biogas which can be utilised on site.
Container Utopia?
By: Jon Quinn
Picture a world where all containermovements for draft beer in the supply chain can be tracked, providing timely and accurate information to key decisionmakers within a brewery, pub and beyond. And that same infrastructure can be used to provide information to manage other asset resources critical to the profitable and necessary operations of the brewery.
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