The challenge ofmaintaining viability of active dried yeast
By: Chris Powell
The production and preparation of Active Dried Yeast (ADY) inevitably causes stress to a yeast culture, due to desiccation and the movement of water across the cell membrane. However, it is important to note that stress is not unusual in industrial fermentation processes and that all brewing yeast cultures are subject to a broad range of environmental challenges.
A letter of complaint
By: Matt Vincent
Ska Brewing’s ‘World Headquarters’ was established at Durango in Colorado back in 1995. Named after the music genre, Ska expanded into a new facility in 2008 and later installed a GEA Westfalia separator. That was the start of its problems – as the following letter explains...
Out in the ’burbs - More Melbourne micros
By: Roger Putman
We continue our look at Victorian craft breweries with a tour of the northern inner suburbs of Melbourne. With native porter Michael Jontef in command we set off from Foster’s Abbotsford plant and found the first one – Moon Dog within a stone’s throw of its 100m stack.
The craft beer scene in China
By: Michael Jordan
The rise of craft brewing in China mimics what is occurring in the rest of the world, although the emergence of true craft breweries is lagging approximately 15 years behind the advances already achieved in more developed countries.
Rack to the future ... StAustell’s new cask operations plant in Cornwall
By: Roger Ryman
Records show that what is now known as St Austell Brewery Co Ltd, was established by a 22 year old Cornish man named Walter Hicks who mortgaged his family farm in 1851 for £1,500 to set up business as a maltster supplying the network of small local brew-houses located behind the hostelries in the burgeoning town of St Austell.
Living with change - Reflections on over 30 years at BBPA
By: David Long
David Long recently retired as Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association after a long career with its antecedent the Brewers Society, as director of Brewing. He reflects on some of the changes that have shaped the brewing and pub sector over the past three decades.
Behind Billabong Wheat
By: Vic Crossland
When Billabong Wheat was judged champion Beer of the Perth Royal Show it elevated the status of the modest brewery, standing alongside its groundbreaking neighbours in Western Australia, the home of the nation’s craft-brewing excellence.
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