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Dealing with waste-water

By: Paul Buttrick


Having written an article last year on treating water coming into the brewery for brewing purposes, it now seems appropriate to look at how wastewater is handled. I have started by looking at the main components and strength of brewery wastewater, followed by a look at how costs and possible treatments are evaluated.

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Reducing energy use in a brewery

By: John Hancock, Scott Davies


Due to environmental and economic pressure, brewers are seeking opportunities and technologies to optimise operations in an attempt to reduce energy use and production costs. Reviewed here are fundamental engineering principles that when applied in the context of the overall brewing process can have a large impact on the energy requirements in the brewery.

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World Class? How is your own continuous improvement activity helping?


Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is any activity engaged in by a professional through which they continue to develop their skills. CPD is about learning and development that enhances the participant’s effectiveness in their professional role. This should maintain and enhance existing competences as well as developing new knowledge and skills.

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Cashew Fenny from Goa

By: Regan Henriques


It is a known fact that all spirits are subject to duty. But can you imagine a system where tax is collected by the authorities on a product not only before it is distilled but even before the raw material used in its production is sourced?

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The effects of the Great War on UK brewing

By: Ian Hornsey


The outbreak of war on 4th August 1914 marked the start of a cycle of conflicts that would redefine and dominate British and world history in the 20th century. It was perhaps the shaping moment of the 20th century and produced consequences that we still live with today. These words, although descriptive of all aspects of life, are particularly relevant to the fields of brewing and distilling.

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Burton’s tiniest ... a visit to Stuart Gates’ little world of brewing

By: Roger Putman


The capital of British brewing, if not the world’s most famous brewing location, is welcoming another brewer to the long list of the town’s brewing heroes which started in the 1700s with Printon, Musgrave, Wilson, Worthington, Bass, Allsopp, Salt and Marston.

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The HOBD is 47 years old

By: Stanley Goldsmith


The Honourable Order of Bass Drinkers (HOBD) predates CAMRA by four years and has rebuffed attempts at merging a number of times down the years. The highlight of the Order’s year is the annual pilgrimage to Burton on Trent. In 2014 – for the 47th time.

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MBAA and ASBC meet in the Windy City

By: Roger Putman


America’s ASBC and MBAA got together for their second Brewing Summit at Chicago in early June. These shoulder to shoulder events allow ‘private’ days at the beginning and end of the four days with a mixed programme and suppliers’ exhibition in the middle.

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Some of the content requires an active membership to view.

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