A new ready-to-drink plant for Diageo in Mozambique
With a soaring demand for premium spirits and 5% ABV ready-to-drink (RTD) flavoured alcoholic beverages across sub-Saharan Africa – fuelled by increased wealth and economic performance – in late 2013 Diageo saw the urgent need to establish manufacturing facilities in Mozambique.
The 15th IBD Africa Section Convention, Maputo 2015
By: Steve Curtis
With the theme for the 2015 IBD Africa Convention being ‘Delivering the Promise’, the event in Mozambique certainly delivered its own promise of a superb setting, a top-class technical programme and a wonderful welcome.
From plants to products - One-day seminar at University of Bangor
By: Mike Butterworth
A seminar on the ‘Enhanced Utilisation of Alcoholic Beverage By-Products’ was held earlier this year at Bangor University. Our Wales correspondent Mike Butterworth reports.
A visit to Johnson Brewing Design – Lancashire, England
By: Paul Buttrick
With the continuing rise in the number of ‘craft’ breweries established in the UK over recent years – now over 1200 – I visited Johnson Brewing Design Ltd (JBD) of Tottington in Lancashire, to get a grasp of how one manufacturer is offering innovative services to smaller breweries that go beyond the usual role of plant fabrication.
Homebrewing – the results are in!
By: Shane McNamara
Following on from last month’s report on the various methods available to the homebrewer, we take a look at the beers brewed from our IBD officebound activities. We review each of the beers in terms of their costs, ease of use, flexibility and, most important, drinkability. It was a tough job, but here are the results.
Oil2LPG - It’s a win, win situation
By: Rob McCord
Despite falling oil prices, switching from oil to Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) could save you a fortune, and massively reduce your carbon footprint
Old Chimneys Brewery
By: Ian Hornsey
Among other things, the Oxford English Dictionary defines the noun ‘craft’ as; “Special skill or technique; occupation needing this”, while the first definition of the verb ‘brew’ says; “Make (beer etc.) by infusion, boiling and fermentation”. All well and good then, but ‘brewery’ comes out as: “factory for brewing beer etc.” Craft brewing? Micro-brewing? Artisans? Is there a definition we are all happy with? Self-confessed perfectionist Alan Thompson, who started a brewery in his own home, does not think so.
Recovering energy in malt distilleries using hightemperature heat pumps
By: James Ludford-Brooks, Scott Davies
In a typical malt whisky distillery a great deal of energy is lost in the still house. A welldesigned high-temperature heat pump system will not only recover this energy but could also future-proof your expansion plans.
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