Growing and manufacturing yeast for alcohol production
The art of fermentation practiced in the production of beer, distilled spirits and alcohol-based biofuels has been passed down from mother to daughter through many generations. At the centre of these fermentation-based industries is a very famous strain of yeast, Saccharomyces cerevisiae.
Brewing in Cork
By: Gerry McGovern
Over the past few years the word was out that a whole new bunch of craft and smaller brewers were beginning to take hold in what is proudly yet endearingly called ‘The Real Capital’ (of Ireland). On a bright June day Gerry McGovern leaves Dublin full of expectation as to what he was going to fi nd in Cork
Attemperation in fermenting and maturation vessels
By: Andrew Mieleniewski, Eleanor Stevens
Temperature is undoubtedly only one of the variables that infl uence the complex interacting bio-chemical processes that take place in fermentation and maturation, but it could be argued that it is one of the most important.
The 35th EBC Congress visits Portugal
By: Steve Curtis
The 35th EBC Congress took place between Sunday 24 and Thursday 28 May at the Alfândega Congress Centre, on the bank of the River Douro in Porto, Portugal.
Safety systems round-up
By: Gary Freeman
In this article, Campden BRI’s Gary Freeman reviews systems that reduce or eliminate food safety risks to the consumer. The operation of suitable food safety systems is a legal obligation for all food and beverage manufacturers. However, these systems are still evolving and new ones are likely to become obligatory for all of us.
A visit to Kingsbarns Distillery in Fife, Scotland
By: Billy Mitchell
Reclaimed and rebuilt from the ruins of an old doocot (Scots word for dovecot) and cattle barn, the Kingsbarns Distillery displays the fi rst cask of the new spirit – sitting proudly, alone, in the centre of the doocot– a wonderful sight and a great achievement by all involved in this new distillery and visitor centre.
Muntons inward mission - Brewers visit from across the pond
By: Shane McNamara
In 2007 Muntons Malt organised a North American craft brewers ‘inward mission’ to the United Kingdom. On that trip the company invited 20 American and Canadian craft brewers with the objective of taking them through UK barley breeding programmes, malting processes and British brewing practices. Wind forward eight years and June this year brought a return trip fi nanced by Muntons with support from the AHBD (formerly the HGCA) - with 24 breweries being represented; the spread in location and demographic of the brewers was far and wide with representatives from California, New York, Missouri, Utah and Louisiana among them.
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