Northern hemishere crop reports 2017
By: Zoe Robinson, Paul Corbett, Russell Falconer
The impact of extreme weather conditions on the 2017 barley crop. The 2017 US hop crop. The 2017 UK hop crop – and beyond.
Milling and mashing Part 2 – Mash mixing to wort separation
By: Roger Putman
Alongside fermentation, mashing is arguably the most important part of the brewing process regarding the effect it has on the character of the resulting beer. Compounds from the ground-up malt and adjuncts are solubilised into the wort involving the action of enzymes. These have been activated by the malting process and each has particular process optimum conditions of substrate concentration, pH, temperature, time etc which have to be balanced to yield the maximum amount of desirable wort components.
The rise of the brewpub
In a 1997 article the New York Post quoted a retail expert who offered the following perspective: “The bloom is off the rose with brewpubs. Brewpubs are complicated businesses which require a lot of capital, a public that drinks a lot of beer and a lot of traffi c, and we don’t have these components here in the U.S.”
Hops as perfume - Hop and perfume matching with Hobgoblin IPA
By: Lizzie Ostrom
Wychwood Brewery’s Hobgoblin IPA took over the new Oxford Circus, London store of Jovoy Parfums Rares in November to launch the new robustly-hopped addition to the Hobgoblin family of beers.
What’s the difference?
By: Shane McNamara
This short article covers the basics of difference-testing and provides two solutions for small craft brewers.
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