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Malting market mayhem

By: Roger Putman


The present crisis in the European malting industry has been widely reported with almost daily reports of companies in trouble. With a reputed up to 20-30% under recovery of costs amongst mainland Europe maltsters in some of their export trade, something had to give. It started earlier this year with Germany’s biggest maltster Weissheimer being declared insolvent and then IMC announcing the planned closure of its malting plant in Lille, France due to nonsustainable malt prices. So it was with some trepidation that I pulled into the yard of Muntons malting plant at Stowmarket in Suffolk. Muntons Malt is one of the UK’s five largest maltsters.

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The formulation of detergents and disinfectants for use in breweries

By: Chris Wederell


This article aims to provide the reader with a technical background of some of the factors that affect the composition of brewery detergents and the rationale that determines the choice of raw materials. The formulation and choice of brewery disinfectants is also discussed, but restricted in scope to the most prevalent product types.

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Making their world a more sociable place

By: Roger Putman


Originally from New Zealand, Lion Nathan is now an Australian-based company with most profits deriving from its 42% of that beer market. Today it majors on beer, wines, spirits and RTDs with ten breweries (four in Australia and six in New Zealand), a spirit packaging facility in Auckland, ten high-end wineries (even one in Oregon) and a chain of 40 liquor outlets in NZ. There is even a home-brew kit company. In total it has 2,800 staff whose core purpose is to ’make their world a more sociable place’.

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Auchentoshan – a single minded distillery

By: Frank Robson


Pronounced ‘Ock-untosh- un’ but written Auchentoshan, this distillery occupies a special place in the spectrum of Scotland’s distilleries. It produces the only malt whisky which is triple-distilled and it is one of only three operational distilleries in the Lowlands.

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A breath of Saltaire

By: Roger Putman


A lot of microbrewers with an eye on the cost of each square metre will shoehorn the plant into a tight area. Access for working is often restricted, visitors are rarely welcome and the décor has most likely not received the benefit of a sympathetic interior designer. If you move into an old generator hall with a 15-metre headroom and your wife has an eye for colour co-ordination, the possibilities are a lot more promising as Tony Gartland found out.

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“We’re going to San Francisco…”

By: Roger Putman


The Master Brewers Association of the Americas (MBAA) held its annual convention during September. In a novel move, it teamed up with the American Association of Cereal Chemists and gave the event the grandiose title of the First World Grain Summit.

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Behind the Green Door

By: Will Allen, Florian Kuplent


Anheuser-Busch has an even dozen breweries throughout the United States and others around the world. The strategic locations allow the company to deliver the freshest beer possible to consumers. Perhaps not surprisingly, the brewery that makes Anheuser-Busch’s domestic collection a baker’s dozen serves a purpose that’s a bonus to the business. By official standards, our company doesn’t proclaim a 13th US brewery. In reality, it not only exists, but it’s the most unusual.

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