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Getting the product to the customer

By: Phil Wood


New Standards, new legislation and emerging technologies all mean continuing change and development within the supply chain. Organisations that do not monitor and adapt to these changes may find themselves rapidly becoming either uncompetitive and could lose customers. This article takes a look at some of the current hot topics within UK and international logistics.

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Swiss beer deliveries on track

By: Paul Kidger


Some years ago, a certain professor in our industry accused me of being a ‘latent train spotter’. Therefore, I feel that I maybe placing myself once again at risk when writing this article about the Feldschlösschen brewery in Switzerland. The railway has featured strongly in its origins and continues to feature in its current operations. At the risk of proving my old mentor correct, I do wish to convey the importance to which the railways have on the origins and current business. Add to this the fact that one of the finest views of the brewery is from the main Basel to Zurich railway line.

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Up, up and away!

By: Alan Ridealgh


“WOW!” So said Soren Garp of international malting barley brokers of great repute, H Abildstrom & Co of Copenhagen in a recent report. He went on to say that it has probably been the steepest price rise seen in one week in the last 40 years. Additionally the report noted that the world was using a new definition for malting barley – simply any barley that can be malted.

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