Is the brewing sector perking up? Report on drinktec 2009
By: Roger Putman
Everyone who I have spoken to seems pretty chuffed with the recent drinktec show in Munich held from 14–19 September.
“Owho can tell The hidden power of herbes and might of Magick spell?”
By: Ian Hornsey
According to Classical Greek literature, Aristotle observed that: “One swallow does not a summer make, nor does one fine day.” What, I hear you ask, has this got to do with flavouring beer?
The only constant is change - Developments at Foster’s at Yatala
By: Noel Jago
The Brewer and Distiller International last visited the Foster’s Brewing Group’s Yatala brewery in 2006 after the site had just completed a massive expansion programme, which effectively doubled the output of the site. This followed the closure of the Kent Brewery in Sydney and the transfer of Kent’s capacity to Yatala which supplies the states of Queensland, Northern Territory and a dominant percentage of the New South Wales market for the Foster’s Group.
Mr Fourex gets a facelift! Developments at Milton
By: Ian Roberts
Mr Fourex adorns the heritage listed walls on the front of the historic Castlemaine Perkins brewery in Central Brisbane, Australia. The iconic red brick brewery walls have remained unchanged since the 1950s. However, behind the brewery walls there has been immense change over the last two years.
Craft brewing in Queensland
By: Hayden Mokaraka
The Bavarians say they drink more beer than the Czechs but have no stats to back it up. The Franconians around Nürnberg say they sup more than the rest of Bavaria but again it is an assertion which cannot be proved. We in North Queensland reckon that we hold the title but with the greatest of respect to our European friends, I shall not mention this again!
Putting safety first - Working with fork-lift trucks
By: David Ellison
Every day in Britain, at least one worker is killed or seriously injured in an accident involving a fork lift truck. The brewing industry is by no means immune to this danger. A two year HSE study of the sector’s accidents between 1995 and 1997 revealed that an astounding 73% of workplace transport accidents involved fork lift trucks, while goods vehicles weighed in at just 9 per cent.
Oasis of Bavarian beer - The West Brewery on Glasgow Green
By: Brian Eaton
West Brewery lies on the edge of Glasgow Green; the open green space less than a mile from Glasgow City Centre which was gifted to the people of Glasgow by Bishop Turnbull in 1450. The Green has seen many uses, including a camping ground in 1745 for the 10,000-strong army of Bonnie Prince Charlie.
The Sládek remembe ...
By: Josef Tolar
Reflections on 44 years with the Budweiser Budvar brewery by former brewmaster Josef Tolar who retired from the post in December 2008
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